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Subject: Structured FrameMaker and DocBook XSL Example Projects Updated

Hello Everyone,

I've updated my two downloadable DocBook XML example projects. 

The one formatted with DocBook XSL has a few bugs corrected, uses the 4.4 DTD, 
and is formatted using version 1.67-2 of the DocBook XSL stylesheets. I thank 
the experts on this list for their help and patience.

The structured FrameMaker project is updated from FrameMaker 7.0 to FrameMaker 
7.1. It includes an expanded discussion of using structured FrameMaker with 
DocBook XML and some new auto-formatting features for tables, graphics, and 

Both projects are downloadable from:

The DocBook XSL project's README is its customization layer. It contains 
comments and instructions. This project is probably interesting only to new 
users of DocBook XSL:

I think that the structured FrameMaker project is close to as good as I can 
make it without writing my own "custom client" using the FrameMaker Developer 
Kit and the FrameMaker structure API. Within the limitations of the 
docbook.dll that ships with FrameMaker 7.1, pretty much everything that can 
be automated is now automated. The README for the FrameMaker project is at:

I'm open to suggestions and corrections. 

Steve Whitlatch

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