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docbook-apps message

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Subject: FOP infinite loop


I got a strange behavior,
which goes into infinite loop,
for converting PDF with Apache FOP.

> fop.bat -c conf\userconfig.xml test.fo test.pdf
[INFO] area contents overflows area in line
[INFO] area contents overflows area in line
[INFO] area contents overflows area in line
-- infiniet loop --

I found an article that indicates
how to avoid the same problem.

According to this article, one of solutions is
to specify an exact value of termlength
at variablelist elementin in table.xsl.
I made, therefore, a change in
docbook/fo/table.xsl:<variablelist termlength="100">,
but it doesn't work anyway.

I wonder if I misinterpret the suggestion of the article.
I wish experts would give ideas.


OS              : Windows XP 2002 Professional SP2
Apache FOP : 0.20.5
docbook-xslt : 1.67.2

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