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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook on Mac?

Dear Tom,

I am using DocBook on an Apple OSX system for a while now. There are a  
lot of nice text-editors, like SubEthaEdit, and XML-Editors avaible.

For converting DocBook to PDF I am using Apache FOP, which works fine.  
When I am right, there is a DocBook bundle for Darwin, the UNIX-Base of  
OS X, avaible through the Fink Project.

When you considering to buy an OS X System, you should wait till April,  
because of the coming release of OS X 10.4, Codename Tiger.

Cheers Alexander

Am 14.03.2005 um 22:22 schrieb Tom Peters:

> I am considering to buy an Apple OSX/Panther system.  Does anyone have
> experience with using DocBook on Mac?  Currently I am using Linux and  
> it
> has taken me quite some effort to get a toolchain to work on it and  
> keep
> it working.
> --
> #>!$!%(@^%#%*(&(#@#*$^@^$##*#@&(%)@**$!(&!^(#((#&%!)%*@)(&$($$%(@#)&*! 
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