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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Recusive <section/>'s and their conclusions

"Dimitry V. Ketov" <Dimitry.Ketov@avalon.ru> writes:

> Or, it can be generated with <bridgehead /> alternatively...

Where? not after the end of the last section, because bridgehead
isn't allowed there any more than para is

> Dimitry V. Ketov пишет:
> >It will be autogenerated by stylesheets, e.g. fixed "Conclusion" title, 
> >without any content-driven <title>'s text.
> >
> >David Tolpin пишет:
> >>How will the reader know that the last section is over and he is into 
> >>the conclusion, if it does not have a title?

Michael Smith
http://logopoeia.com/  http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/890


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