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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Olink: can't resolve xlink cross-refs.

Thanks Bob. I solved the problem, which I completely garbled in the
original post. I don't know why I brought up xlinks; I meant xincludes.
Many apologies.

Since my orginal question was such a waste of everyone's time, I may as
post the solution in case it helps someone. Here's the test of a simple
olink that I finally got to work.  Until I could figure this out, I
couldn't see how to avoid maintaining a separate database file for each
of many ref pages - rendering xincludes pretty useless for me. Here's the
essential code that seem to work:

#master document:
<book id="book">
   <title>Command Reference</title>
     <xi:include href="command1.xml" />
     <xi:include href="command2.xml" />

<refentry id="cmd1">
      <refpurpose>starts the client</refpurpose>
     <title>cmd2 ref section</title>
     <para>Test olink: refer to the <olink targetdoc="book"
     targetptr="synop"></olink> section of the command 2 page.</para>

<refentry id="cmd2">
     <refpurpose>determines compiler and linker flags</refpurpose>
   <refsection id="synop">
       <arg rep="norepeat"><replaceable>option</replaceable></arg>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <targetsetinfo>info </targetsetinfo>
     <dir name="../testolink">
       <document targetdoc="book">
         <xi:include href="target.db"

This version, using entities instead, also works:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE targetset SYSTEM "targetdatabase.dtd" [
        <!ENTITY reftargets SYSTEM "target.db">
   <targetsetinfo>info </targetsetinfo>
     <dir name="../testolink">
       <document targetdoc="book">

Processing (using saxon 6.5.3)

#1. build olink database. If you don't use chunking, either specify the
     basuri in the database doc, or set the olink.base.uri parameter to
     the HTML filename.

java book.xml chunk.xsl collect.xref.targets="only" current.docid="book"

#2. Generate output using olink database.

java book.xml chunk.xsl target.database.document="olinkdb.xml"  \

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