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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] olink styling

Hi Andreas,
You are not alone.  This issue came up in April with someone trying to do
the same thing.  The conclusion was that there should be a special case for
olinks pointing to the root element of a document, so that it does *not*
output the docname which repeats the olink title text.  I recently checked
into CVS a fix for this problem (in common/olink.xsl).  It will be in the
next release, which should be coming out soon.

In the meantime, you can use an undocumented feature.  There is a
"nodocname" key word that you can use in the "select:" xrefstyle.  It has
the effect of turning off the docname that would normally appear. So try

<olink xrefstyle="select: title nodocname" ...

This will be documented in the next edition of my book.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andreas Lalloo" <andreas.lalloo@appmind.com>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 3:35 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] olink styling

I would like to have two kind of olink styles in my PDF documentation, one
as the default ('section'/'chapter' in 'document') and one which is only the
document title for the cases I want to talk about the book in general, no
specific section or chapter within, and avoid text like "...described in
User's Guide in User's Guide". Following Bob Stayton's book I have managed
to try all (?) permutations of xref/olink styling etc. but without
accomplishing what I want.

The following works, i.e. it replaces all gentext info to "override text"
making my references look like "the Developer's Guide" override text tells

  <xsl:param name="local.l10n.xml" select="document('')"/>
  <l:i18n xmlns:l="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/xmlns/l10n/1.0";>
    <l:l10n language="en">
      <l:context name="xref">
<!-- Express section references (gentext) as Section "blahblah" -->
        <l:template name="section" text="Section&#160;&#x22;%t&#x22;"/>
<!-- My style-->
<l:template name="olink.document.citation" text=" override text"/>
      <l:context name="xref-number-and-title">
<!-- Express chapter references (gentext) as Chapter X, "blahblah" -->
        <l:template name="chapter"

The idea is to later remove the " override text" with empty text, of course.

OK, so now I want to only override _some_ of my olink references. I modify
the template above to be in effect only for xrefstyle "my-style" like

<l:template name="olink.document.citation" style="my-style" text=" override

OK, no more override text in my ouptut, and all occurances are "..the
Developers's Guide in Developer's Guide tells more..." as before. Then I ask
one olink to use the modified style:

          <para><olink targetdoc="usersguide"

Then I get the following errors during generation, but the ouptut looks
exactly like before adding xrefstyle:
Making portrait pages on A4 paper (210mmx297mm)
 No template for "book" (or any of its leaves) exists in the context named
"xref-number" in the "en" localization.
No template for "book" (or any of its leaves) exists in the context named
"xref-number" in the "en" localization.
No template for "book" (or any of its leaves) exists in the context named
"xref-number-and-title" in the "en" localization.
No template for "book" (or any of its leaves) exists in the context named
"xref-number-and-title" in the "en" localization.

I have set <xsl:param name="olink.doctitle" select="'yes'"></xsl:param>
Experimenting with the "maybe" variant mostly gives result that no output
contains the " in %o" part, but in 95% of the cases I want that included. In
short, I would like all olink references to behave in a special way without
having to update all .xml source, and only pin-point some of them with a
reference to preferably a template defined by myself or possibly some kind
of explicit format (a là select:) but I fail. This is surely trivial to an
expert, so I could really do with some assistance...

My environment is DTD 4.4, xslt 1.68.1 (xsltproc-RenderX processing).


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