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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Website layout - autolayout Transformation Errors

It seems Oxygen is not showing you the *content* of the message that is
terminating the process.  The message from line 128 of autolayout.xsl should

foo.xml: missing ID.

That means the <webpage> element in foo.xml should have an id attribute.

When I run Oxygen 6 with that particular error, I don't see anything in the
"Message" window.  I see the message content when I run the task with Saxon
outside of Oxygen.  Ask the Oxygen folks where the message text is going.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Raymond" <support@bigriverinfotech.com>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 2:25 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Website layout - autolayout Transformation Errors

> Utilizing Kubuntu-5.04 (best linux notebook distro to date :-),
> Website-2.6.0 (layout.dtd, autolayout.xsl), jdk-1.5.0_03 and oXygen-6.0
> When transforming layout.xml to autolayout.xml utilizing the following
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> <layout>
>    <config param="text-prefix" value="txt"/>
>    <config param="homebanner-tabular" value="graphics/homebanner.png"
> altval="Home Banner"/>
>    <config param="banner-tabular" value="graphics/banner.png"
> altval="Banner"/>
>    <config param="homebanner" value="graphics/homebanner.png" altval="Home
> Banner"/>
>    <config param="banner" value="graphics/icons/iconhome.gif"
> altval="Banner"/>
>    <copyright>
>       <year>2005</year>
>       <year>2004</year>
>       <holder role="http://www.foo.org/";>Raymond</holder>
>    </copyright>
>    <style src="example.css" type="text/css"/>
>    <toc page="foo.xml" filename="index.html"/>
> </layout>
> <!-- EOF -->
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> the following error is generated:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 128
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> The offending code is the toc tag.
> Help please
> Raymond
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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