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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] question on XML to XML transformation

	Thank you Mauritz. For a little while, I was worried that I had brought a non-docbook related issue to the forum.
	Actually, the case scenario, I am working on is as follows:
	1. I use the Docbook 4.4 DTD's for my XML Docbook files, and Docbook XSL Stylesheets 1.69.0
	2. I use a customization layer which is a modification of the eDe Stylesheets for my HTML output.
	3. I tired using a customization layer for the PDF fo output, but after a while decided to stick to the Docbook-Fo stylesheets.
	4.I use SAXON 6.5.3 and FOP 0.20.3
	5. I was handed over a legacy project of over 5 books (with over 300 pages) to convert to Docbook. They were earlier in Interleaf and Framemakers 6.0 with a lot of conditional text. These conditional tags are as follows:
	a.) OS specific: UNIX, VMS
	b) Help Specific - UNIXHelp, VMSHelp
	Now the Help system has to be integrated with the "Greystone Technology MUMPS software". All the information I have on generating the Help is in the text file I am herein attaching.  I have  valid Docbook HTML chunked output and PDF output that are generated with profile.os="UNIX" and profile.os="VMS" tags. However, i am not able to handle the tags for the UNIXHelp and VMSHelp. And since the GTM Help System only supports the tags that are given in the attached file (also, my previous mail), i realize i have to use XSL to trim down the XML i get out of the Docbook XML, since on enquiry i was told that the awk and sed scripts for generating the ZHELP cannot be modified too much..
	Any advise you have is most welcome.
	Sorry for the long mail. Thank you for your time. 
	And thanks to Warren too.
	Probably, this is not a matter for the list. If so, i apologize.
	The output looks as follows in the help: (on UNIX) (just like a man page). The Help system is called as ZHELP
	   The ZKILL command KILLs the data value  for  a  variable  name  without
	   affecting the nodes descended from that node.
	   The format of the ZKILL command is:
	   ZK[ILL][:tvexpr] glvn
	   The  functionality  of  ZKILL  is  identical  to  ZWITHDRAW.  For  a comprehensive description of the format and usage, refer to  the  entry    for ZWITHDRAW.


From: Mauritz Jeanson [mailto:mj@johanneberg.com]
Sent: Tue 8/9/2005 12:53 AM
To: SIRIGINA Saraswathi
Cc: 'docbook-apps List'; 'Warren Young'
Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] question on XML to XML transformation

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Warren Young
> SIRIGINA Saraswathi wrote:
> > 
> > I need to reformat the Docbook XML files to generate another XML
> > output with the following tags:
> It's a perfect task for XSLT.  Learn XSLT, and the method
> will be clear.
> But it isn't on-topic for this mailing list.

Since it's about transforming DocBook files, the request for help in itself
is not off-topic. Anyway, it is difficult to give any advice based only on
the information in the original post.

Sarah, someone might consider looking into the problem if you provided more
details. What do your DocBook files look like? Is there a DTD/schema for the
output? What is the DocBook equivalent for each of the elements in the
output? What have you tried yourself so far?


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- xml1.sed
- xml2.sed
- xml.awk
- xmlhelp.csh

 xmlhelp.csh <name of xml file> <name of help file>
 To build help file mumps.hlp from unix_cmds.xml, enter the following:
	  xmlhelp.csh unix_cmds.xml mumps.hlp
The xmlhelp.csh script takes as its input an xml file and generates a help file in a format that is suitable for
processing by the existing GTM help load programs gtmhelp.m and gtmhlpld.m. The following xml tags (along with the
text enclosed within them) are processed by the sed and awk scripts to produce the desired output:
<Computer>, </Computer>
<Heading-2>, </Heading-2>
<Heading-1>, </Heading-1>
<Heading-4>, </Heading-4>
<Indent-Comp>, </Indent-Comp>
<Indent-Para>, </Indent-Para>
<Note>, </Note>
<Num-Bullet>, </Num-Bullet>
<Num1-Bullet>, </Num1-Bullet>

<Para>, </Para>
<Para-Comp>, </Para-Comp>
<Para-Column>, </Para-Column>

PLEASE NOTE: If the xml file contains additional tags that are not documented here, the scripts may need to be 
modified, as the tags determine how the enclosed text will be processed by the script.

Limitations: This tool relies on sed & awk input processing

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