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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] xinclude performance issues

What tools have you tried for doing Xinclude processing? Xerces?
xmllint? Xincluder? How does the performance of those compare when
you use them with your test document?

Raymond <support@bigriverinfotech.com> writes:

> docbook-dtd-4.5b1 docbook-xsl-1.69.1 jdk-1.5.0_4, kubuntu-5.04 oXygen-6.1 
> saxon-6.5.4
> Have issues with slow validations and subsequent transformations of documents 
> utilizing substantial xincludes.
> Discussions with users of other popular IDEs (both windows and java) resulted 
> in similar conclusions irregardless of  saxon, xalan or xsltproc processors: 
> xincludes are SLOW and processor intensive. A 120 document validation or 
> transformation with substantial nested xincludes take some 10 minutes on a 
> 1.7g cpu 1.25g mem centrino notebook.  The cpu hovers at 90-99% during these 
> validations or transformations.
> xincludes / xpointers are essential to my document projects.
> Any advice on how to optimize a large document validation and/or 
> transformation with substantial nested xincludes / xpointers???
> Raymond

Michael Smith


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