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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] db5: simplesect with two section ancestors

When I wrote 'followed by a short procedure', I indeed meant a 
simplesect containing both a title and procedure (the procedure 
following the title element). It looks like either task or simplesect 
could fit the bill.

As for which is more semantically meaningful, task seems to have more 
meaning, although for this usage, I wouldn't need any child elements 
beyond the title and procedure. An example of document content:

To dock an existing, floating window:
   1. Click the dock icon ...

To undock an existing, docked window:
   1. Click the undock icon ...

I think XMLMind has been misleading me here: a procedure can contain a 
title element, so that would work as well. Perhaps task and simplesect 
are unnecessary in this case ...


On 11/28/2006 12:27 PM, Rowland, Larry wrote:
> A simplesect can indeed be a child of multiple section ancestors.  It
> merely cannot have other structural children.  I am not sure exactly
> what structure you are attempting, but a simplesect cannot have a
> procedure following it, only simplesect, bibliography, glossary, index
> or toc elements.  It could have one as a child, but you said you wanted
> to follow it with one (as opposed to contain one).  Another alternative
> would be to use the task element as a container of the procedure and
> could be more semantically meaningful, depending on the actual intent of
> your document design.
> Larry Rowland 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Leber [mailto:bleber+@cs.cmu.edu] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:09 AM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [docbook-apps] db5: simplesect with two section ancestors
> Is it valid DocBook 5 to have a simplesect element with two section
> ancestors (ie, section > section > simplesect)? It seems valid to me
> from the description on docbook.org, but XMLMind doesn't seem to allow
> this.
> (By the way, the rationale is that I'd like to have a short section with
> a title such as "To do x:" followed by a short procedure. 'Section'
> seems to overwhelm such a heading with section numbers; and as there are
> no nested sections within, 'simplesect' seems more semantically
> appropriate.)
> Thanks,
> Brett

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