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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] XSL and tex equations

On date Wednesday 2007-05-09 13:11:54 +0200, Justus-bulk@Piater.name wrote:
> Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala@poste.it> wrote on Wed, 9 May
> 2007 11:38:19 +0200:
> > I would like to avoid to use MathML, due to its need for a graphical
> > editor, so using the compact tex notation
> You can have the best of both worlds (compact TeX-math syntax *and*
> MathML output): use a TeX-math-to-MathML translator. There are several
> options around.
> I have a setup that minimizes typing and manual intervention to almost
> nothing, described here:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200402/msg00221.html
> Justus

Thank you Jirka and Justus for the nice pointers and explanations.

I'll explore the many ways you suggested to achieve it.

Kind regards.
Stefano Sabatini
Linux user number 337176 (see http://counter.li.org)

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