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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] To Rene Hache, Larry Garfield, Bob Stayton, JirkaKosek - About a former XHTML accessiblity project

Dave Pawson wrote:
> Nicolas RAINARD wrote:
>> Several years ago, you were talking about getting "Simpler XHTML 
>> output" (initiating thread can be found at 
>> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/docbook-apps/2005-q2/msg00230.html).
>> The whole discussion broached in accessibility and CSS layout, 
>> instead of tables layout. 
> Bob may correct me, but AFAIK docbook doesn't use table based layout
> and any CSS additions are the authors, not a part of the standard
> docbook formatting, though provision is made for CSS usage.

I don't know how it goes for general layout, but I am absolutely sure a 
table layout is used for QandAset (what I wanted for my first DocBook). 
This is why I spent a whole day to search how I could resolve this. I 
used the 5.0 XSLT and it seems it processes pretty much as the 4.x do. I 
had a glimpse in the XSLT2 snapshot, and I didn't find a XHTML output in 
this release. Maybe is it still automatically generated from the HTML 
one? I am not sure it is the best way, for transitional HTML and strict 
XHTML have few things in common.

Moreover, the QandAset is rendered with definition lists (<dl></dl>) 
instead of ordered lists (<ol></ol>), which makes me puzzled...

>> It seems you started a new project: to make a brand  new forked XHTML 
>> XSL.
>> What is the current step of this project? Is it still undergoing or 
>> as it been abandoned? For many reasons, I am very interested in 
>> getting semantical, CSS styled XHTML output.
> So are many of us, which is why we choose docbook!

Maybe am I wrong and then, could you tell me how I can get a "pure", 
table-less output?


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