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Subject: linebreak causing page citation to become question mark


I'm using:
*	Saxon 6.5.5
*	Xerces 2.8.0
*	Apache FOP 0.20.5

I've turned on page number citation in the PDF so that my xrefs result
in the page number appearing in parentheses, like this:
For more information, see Request Authentication (p. 25). 

I've noticed that in situations where the xref breaks across lines, the
page number turns into a question mark. For example (I inserted a
backslash to show where the line breaks):

For more information, see Request Authentication\
(p. ?).

For more information, see Request Authentication (p.\

If the section title itself breaks over the line, the page number
correctly shows up. For example:
For more information, see Re-\
quest Authentication (p. 25).

For more information, see Request\
Authentication (p. 25).

Anyone know if this is something I can fix?

Thanks a bunch! And happy long weekend for those of you in the U.S.

Cheri Dennison / Technical Writer
AWS Platform Group

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