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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Imagedata and XInclude

That's a good question Dave. 

Theoretically, I would not want to generate non-standard Docbook code.
Right now I use the DTD as is and add some additional capability for
modularity in the customization layer - which is where I add in support
for xi:xinclude for chapter, book, etc. I really do not consider those
changes as making the DTD non-standard, but I guess down deep, it may. 

However, I have over 300 files in this doc project and only two more
days on this project. I really do not want to destabilize the project by
moving to DB5 because I do not think I can clean up all of the issues in
that time. When this project was started, DB5 was still in it's infancy
and I chose not to go that route and stay with Docbook 4.5.

That said, I think that I hammered the MathML support into 4.5 when I
probably should have spent the time moving to DB5 instead. So now I have
this horse with a pig's tail ;-) and probably have to live with it until
there is time to get everything into DB5. 


Dean Nelson   
Enterprise Electronics Corp

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Pawson [mailto:davep@dpawson.co.uk] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:24 AM
To: Nelson, Dean
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Imagedata and XInclude

Nelson, Dean wrote:
> Thanks George!
> How do I modify the DTD to allow xi:xinclude inside an imagedata?
> I have it for book, section, chapter, etc. but could not find a good 
> way to add imagedata

Do you really want to produce invalid docbook instances Dean?


Dave Pawson
XSLT, XSL-FO and Docbook FAQ

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