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Subject: Nested ordered list number not spaced properly

Hello all,

I am using DocBook 5 with the DocBook XSL Stylesheets 1.73.2 and Apache FOP trunk.

My XML file test.xml:

   	 My First Book 

       My Second Chapter

            Item 1
            Item 2
                Item 3 
                      Nested item
            Item 4


xmllint validates it. xsltproc generates the following warnings:

C:\Book>xsltproc fo/docbook.xsl test.xml> test.fo
Note: namesp. cut : stripped namespace before processing            My First Boo
WARNING: cannot add @xml:base to node set root element.  Relative paths may not
Note: namesp. cut : processing stripped document                    My First Boo
Making portrait pages on USletter paper (8.5inx11in)

FOP generates the following warnings:

C:\Book>c:\downloads\utils\fop\fop test.fo test.pdf
Apr 1, 2008 5:53:10 AM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo notifyFontReplacement
WARNING: Font 'Symbol,normal,700' not found. Substituting with 'Symbol,normal,40
Apr 1, 2008 5:53:11 AM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo notifyFontReplacement
WARNING: Font 'ZapfDingbats,normal,700' not found. Substituting with 'ZapfDingba
Apr 1, 2008 5:53:11 AM org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline.LineLayoutManager$LineBre
akingAlgorithm updateData2
WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area by 5000mpt. (fo:bloc
k, location: 5/11027)

In the PDF, the nested list looks like this:

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
    3.1Nested item
4. Item 4

There is no space between "3.1" and "Nested item"

If I generate HTML instead, the output is:
1. Item 1

2. Item 2

3. Item 3 

         1.    Nested item

Item 4

The nested item does not inherit its number.

I'm not so worried about  the font warnings, but I have no idea what the
xsltproc warnings or the fop warnings mean. Can someone explain?

What is wrong with my nested ordered list?
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