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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Rendering PNG Images Using Various FO Tools

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Goldschmitt 
> At 2:02 PM -0700 4/16/08, Harry Goldschmitt wrote:
> >I've been struggling for almost a week trying to create PDF output 
> >from fo files with PNG images in them.  I know that fop 0.94 can 
> >handle certain PNGs, since some of my PNGs and the annotation PNGs 
> >work.  Unfortunately, many of them don't.  I've also tried fop 
> >0.95beta1, with similar results.


> Since I've had so many responses to this, I thought I'd add a tarball 
> with what I'm trying to do.

The problem (you never said what it was) seems to be that the PNG image is
strangely cropped in the PDF file generated by FOP, and that it doesn't show
up at all in the PDF file generated by XEP. 

I ran your FO file (testpng.fo) through XEP 4.11, FOP 0.94 and FOP 0.95beta.
The resulting PDF files all look fine, and I don't see any error messages. 

My tests were done with Sun JRE 1.6.0 (on Windows XP), whereas you
apparently are using GCJ (judging by the FOP error log). I guess that the
cause of the problem lies there somewhere.


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