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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] About Index chapter title

On 29 janv. 08, at 20:51, Bob Stayton wrote:
> The param: mechanism in the title page spec file passes parameters  
> to the named template.  Does your named template chapappendix.title  
> declare a parameter named "pagewide", and then do something with the  
> value?  Something like:
> <xsl:template name="chapappendix.title">
> <xsl:param name="pagewide" select="0"/>
I had this param in my template.

> and inside the template just after the fo:block opens, something like:
> <xsl:if test="$pagewide != 0">
>   <xsl:attribute name="span">all</xsl:attribute>

And this exactly as you said but...

> The span="all" on a block will cause it to span both columns in the  
> two column layout.

I know that the test is true because I've :

         <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="chap.title.properties">
             <xsl:if test="$pagewide != 0">
                 <xsl:attribute name="span">all</xsl:attribute>
             <xsl:apply-templates select="$node" mode="title.markup"/>

And the FooBar appears juste before the word "Index" but still right  
align on the first column.

My titlepage spec define, for index, the pagewide param, set to 1.

<xsl:template name="index.titlepage.recto">
   <fo:block xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"; xsl:use- 
attribute-sets="index.titlepage.recto.style" margin-left="0pt" font- 
     <xsl:call-template name="chapappendix.title">
       <xsl:with-param name="node" select="ancestor-or- 
       <xsl:with-param name="pagewide" select="1"/>
     <xsl:when test="d:indexinfo/d:subtitle">
       <xsl:apply-templates mode="index.titlepage.recto.auto.mode"  
     <xsl:when test="d:docinfo/d:subtitle">
       <xsl:apply-templates mode="index.titlepage.recto.auto.mode"  
     <xsl:when test="d:info/d:subtitle">
       <xsl:apply-templates mode="index.titlepage.recto.auto.mode"  
     <xsl:when test="d:subtitle">
       <xsl:apply-templates mode="index.titlepage.recto.auto.mode"  

It still very strange for me.


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