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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] How to insert "placeholder" in my documentation

Hi all,

Could I ask another question (following on from my colleague's questions and
very helpful answers)?

I have added the placeholder entity file and declared it in my book:

<!ENTITY % product_name SYSTEM "../common/customizable_tokens.ent">  

The book contains referenced modular chapters/sections. 

Any chapters referenced in the book with %product_name; placeholders resolve
fine when the book is built. 

However, one chapter has a xincluded section. The xincluded section itself
has a %product_name; and it causes an error "The entity "product_name" was
referenced, but not declared." to be thrown. 

I have tried to declare the entity in the individual content files instead,
no joy. It tells me I can't. 

Sorry if this sounds confused. I'm inexperienced in Docbook. 

Specs: We're using Docbook 4.1, building it with ANT. 
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-insert-%22placeholder%22-in-my-documentation-tp16221078p17256272.html
Sent from the docbook apps mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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