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Subject: customizing profiling templates

Hi all !

I'm new to Docbook, and i have got one problem now, which i cant solve at the moment.

I want to profile my files with my own profiling attributes.

So theres not the problem.

My problem appears when i must adapt the stylesheets under /fo folder .

I found out that i must add my new attributes and the processing of the attributes to following files:

- param.xsl
- /profiling/profile-mode.xsl

So when i adapt these two files it works fine !

But i dont want to change the standard files. I want to have a new for example param_custom.xsl where i import my param.xsl and add the new profiling parameters i want to have. The same with the profiling-mode.xsl.

But when i do this, the profiling doesn't work any more like before.

Can anyone please help me, and give me an example of how to write the *_custom.xsl files.

Thx for help !

Manuel Wallnöfer
MSK-Informatik GesmbH		Büro Linz:
Zeillergasse 5/309		Hauptstrasse 71
A - 1160 Wien			A - 4040 Linz

fon: + 43 - 699 - 18181929
fax: + 43 - 732 - 711 311 22
mailto: manuel.wallnoefer@msk-informatik.at
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