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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] link linkend xlink:href olink and xinclude, v5

Hi Thomas

Thomas Schraitle wrote:
> Hi,
> On Montag, 26. Mai 2008, Dave Pawson wrote:
>> Scenario

>> I want to link to a glossterm, in appendix A, from chapter 4.
>> My processing model is to expand xincludes, validate with Jing
>> then transform the 'included' version using docbook.
>> <link linkend='xml:id value'>hot text</link> works
> This should work, although it's a bit unusual in my opinion. Why not using 
> xrefs? :)

I thought (clearly wrongly) that xrefs were within a single file
and I have used them in that scenario. The benefit of xref is that
we are warned when we mess up!
One more to add to the list

>> but I guess we are getting to the point where
>> we have quite a few ways of linking between 'chunks' now.
> Maybe. :)
> Have you tried glossterm as an inline element? In [1] there is a helpful 
> example.

> [1] http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/LinkToGlossary.html

No, I don't often use glossaries.
I note the caution there though. This too seems a little 'brittle'.

Or perhaps we are getting to the point where we could do with
more 'validation', perhaps Schematron checking of links.

What else could Schematron do for us? Or are there just too
many link options?


Dave Pawson

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