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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] make section not appear in CHM toc

Btw., there's already support for a processing instruction in the stylesheets that causes chunking to stop at a particular point:
However, the non-chunked sections still appear in the toc. The toc pane in a chm is controlled by a toc.hhc file that the xslts write out. The code that writes out the toc.hhc file is in htmlhelp-common.xsl. In particular, the template <xsl:template match="section" mode="hhc">....</xsl:template> adds sections to the toc pane So maybe do <xsl:template match="section[@role = 'subsection']" mode="hhc"/> or, if you're using the pi, <xsl:template match="section[ancestor::*/processing-instruction('dbhtml')[normalize-space(.) ='stop-chunking']]" mode="hhc"/>. I haven't tested those, but off the top of my head something like that should work.

From: Hinrich Aue [mailto:hinrich.aue@lci-software.com]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 8:05 AM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [docbook-apps] make section not appear in CHM toc

Hi list,


I made the section not to chunk when I apply the attribute @role = ‘subsection’


That works pretty well.


But now I want the sections with @role = ‘subsection’ to not appear in the TOC in the CHM.


I tried the following:


<xsl:template match="section[@role = 'subsection']"  mode="toc" />
From sagehill, but it has no effect.
How can I make a section not appear in TOC?
Thanks in advance


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