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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] An informaltable that chokes FOP

Title: Re: [docbook-apps] An informaltable that chokes FOP
The processor extension parameters can serve two functions: they can enable extension features provided by a processor, or they can compensate for a processor's lack of conformance to the standard.  With fop, the parameter is used almost entirely for the latter purpose, because FOP isn't finished yet.  The xep.extensions and axf.extensions parameters, on the other hand, add new features in their respective namespaces and don't do much compensation stuff because those processors are highly conformant to the standard.  All of the extension parameters are used to provide PDF bookmarks, because that feature was not standardized in XSL-FO 1.0 so each processor used their own extension elements.
Using multiple extension parameters at the same time invites unpredictable behavior.  At the least you will get more than one set of bookmarks which may choke the processor (or maybe not).  I'm pretty sure the fop.extension and fop1.extension are not compatible together.  They were not intended to be used that way, and are not tested in that manner.  It may work, or it may not, but I don't recommend it.
Since these are parameters, they can be set on the command line.  I generally leave them out of my customization layers so I can set one using a Makefile target or Ant task.  Different tasks use the same stylesheet but different extension parameters to generate an FO file, and each task can then apply the appropriate XSL-FO process after generating the FO file.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] An informaltable that chokes FOP

Thanks yet again, I don't use FOP much, but I always use DB5; but I must add in in fop1 rather than fop - just in case.  Can't we get rid of all these extensions and just have a standard?  Isn't that what interoperability is all about?
QUERY: what happens if we add in both extensions?  Can we then use any?  And what about other transformers?
Bob: what is the best thing to do?

Thanks, that did it.

Ron, fop.extensions didn't; I assume because I'm using DB5 and need fop1.extensions instead.

Lesson learned: turn on the processor extensions whether I think I'm using them or not. XEP has shown no symptom of needing them, but I'll keep them enabled.

Reflection: developing against two processors keeps turning up issues that the tolerance of one would leave as a trap for me later. Annoyingly slow, but probably, like keeping my HTML markup valid, worth the trouble.

2008/8/26 Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net>
You need to set the 'fop1.extensions' parameter to 1 when using FOP 0.9*.  That will eliminate the error about xsl:region-body 'blank'.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen Taylor
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] An informaltable that chokes FOP

The attached short article renders perfectly in XEP but breaks FOP. The source of the problem appears to be my customisation layer: with XSLT against just the XSL distribution, the formatters produce identical results.

Or - is the problem with FOP's support for informaltable? If I change the informaltable element to a table element, both FOP and XEP again produce identical results against my customisation layer.

I haven't so far attempted any customisation of tables. Is there something I've written in the customisation layer that affects the informaltable element? Or is this a bug I should report to the FOP project, and if so, in what terms?
  • FO for both formatters produced by xsltproc from docbook-xsl-ns-1.74.0
  • versions.xml validates against docbook-5.0/dtd/docbook.dtd
  • FOP reports: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Flow 'xsl-region-body' does not map to the region-body in page-master 'blank'. FOP presently does not support this.

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Ron Catterall, Phd, DSc                         email: ron@catterall.net
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