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Subject: AW: [docbook-apps] line numbering with xsltproc

Hello Bob,


thank you so much for that great template and the immediate reply! It works. But there is still a problem and I can’t find a solution:

Your choose condition searches the “break” with the “
” entity. But in my case I often don’t have any brakes and the result looks like this (blocks are numbered):


01                                kldsjf lkdsjf kldsj fkldjslkf jdslkjf lkdsjf ljdslk fjdlsk jflksdj flksdjlkf jlkdsjf lkdsjl kfjdslkjf lkdsj lkfjdslkf jlkdsjf lkdsjlfk dslkf j  

                                   Kfkldsjflk jdsf lkdsj klfdsjlkf jdlksj flkdsj lkdjs klfjdslk jflkdsj flkdjslfk jdslkj lkdsj lkdsj flkjdsjf lkdsj lkfdsj lkfjdslkjf lkdsj dlskj f

                                   Lkjfslkdjflkdsj lkdsjf lkdsj flkdsj lkfdsj klfdjslk fjdlskjf lkdsj lkdjs fj


02                                kdsfklsdjflkjdslkfj ldsjf lkdsj lkfdsjlk fjdslkj flkdsjlk fjdslkjf lkdsj lkdsj fkljdslkfj lkdsjf lkjdslkf jlkdsj lkdsjf


03                                ksjfdklsj lksdjf kldsjf lkdsjkfl jdslk fjlkdsj flkdsj lkfdjslkf dklsf jlkdsjf lkdsjlkf jdlksjf lkdsjlf kdjslfk jdlksfj lkdsjf lkdsjlkf djslk jlds

                                   Skdf lkjdsf jkdnskjf ndsjkf jkdsf jkdsnjf ndsjkf dskjnkjfdsnkjsn


So here is my question: Could you explain me in which template the line breaks are set in Docbook? Or do you know an other solution for this specific problem?

Thank you very much for that great support!





Von: Bob Stayton [mailto:bobs@sagehill.net]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. November 2008 18:44
An: Stock, Jan; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Betreff: Re: [docbook-apps] line numbering with xsltproc


You try something like this in a customization layer. It is not extensively tested. It recursively parses the text node in a programlisting based on the line ending character 
, inserts the line number, and recurses to the next line.



<xsl:template match="programlisting/text()">
  <xsl:call-template name="line.numbering">
    <xsl:with-param name="content" select="."/>
    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="1"/>


<xsl:template name="line.numbering">
  <xsl:param name="content" select="."/>
  <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>


  <xsl:number value="$count" format="01 "/>


    <xsl:when test="contains($content, '&#xA;')">
      <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($content, '&#xA;')"/>


      <xsl:variable name="rest" select="substring-after($content, '&#xA;')"/>
      <xsl:if test="string-length($rest)">
        <xsl:call-template name="line.numbering">
          <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$rest"/>
          <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count + 1"/>
      <!-- we are done -->
      <xsl:value-of select="$content"/>




Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises



----- Original Message -----

From: Stock, Jan

Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 6:01 AM

Subject: [docbook-apps] line numbering with xsltproc



I am trying to insert line numbering in my PDFs. I read that only Saxon and Xalan provide that function. Does anyone know how to implement line numbering in DocBook XML files which are parsed with xsltproc?

I would be pleased to receive any help concerning that problem. My extensive online search resulted in no solution.





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