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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] I'm want to indent only 'section/para', not 'section/para/programlisting'

RenderXp(xe) no such problem, but the output pdf files very large than fop.
I use fop trunk 2008-12-19(r728025), xep-4.14-20081212-personal:

     defguide5  defguide5-zh  defguide  defguide-zh  svnbook  svnbook-zh
fop       4563          5096      5825         6513     1985     2270
xep      14188         14544     12141        12635     3776     3874
diff      211%          185%      108%          94%      90%      71%

PS: Chinese font name at sixes and sevens in the pdf file by xep.

Dongsheng Song

2009/1/4 Richard Hamilton <rlhamilton@frii.com>:
> Donsheng,
> If you don't have an alternative, you can create an fo file configured
> for RenderX and I'll run it through for you.  I'm interested in seeing
> how Chinese renders with RenderX, so it will help us both.
> If you'd like to do that, drop me separate email and we can work out a
> way to transfer files.
> Dick Hamilton
> rlhamilton@frii.com
> On Sat, 2009-01-03 at 15:28 -0800, Bob Stayton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That  problem looks like a bug in FOP.  Can you process your FO output with
>> another XSL-FO processor to see if that corrects the problem?
>> Bob Stayton
>> Sagehill Enterprises
>> bobs@sagehill.net

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