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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook 5 and olink

If you are dealing with a single book, then here is the simplified version. 
This works with either DocBook 4 or 5.

1.  Process the entire book (with XIncludes resolved) with the stylesheet 
parameter collect.xref.targets="only".
That will generate a target.db file for all the potential links in the book.

2.  Create your olinkdb.xml file containing just this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE targetset [
<!ENTITY mybook SYSTEM "target.db">
 <document targetdoc="MyBook">

3.  When you process your book, set these params:


The first param  ensures the target.db file is updated before olinks are 
resolved, in case any of the chapter files were changed.

If you process just a single chapter for test purposes, set 
collect.xref.targets="no", as "yes" would overwrite the target.db data with 
just the content of that chapter.

If your olinkdb.xml file has just a single document, then your olink 
elements can omit the targetdoc attribute, because there is no ambiguity 
regarding the target document.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Faehndrich Philippe" <phfaehndrich@bluewin.ch>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 3:28 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Docbook 5 and olink

> Hello,
> I for sure wasn't clear enough. I'm working on a pretty long document,
> splitted in Introduction, some chapters and appendices (intro.xml,
> chapter01.xml, chapter02.xml, ... ... appendix01.xml, ...).
> It goes well, either as a pdf file or as chunked html, but I just don't 
> find
> how I can make active <a href=...> links from for e.g. Chapter 3 to 
> Appendix
> D.
> For short, I don't understand how to establish links across different
> documents.
> I don't know what to put in olinkdb.xml file that is compatible with 
> Docbook
> 5.0, and don't understand the explanations about precedent versions of
> Docbook.
> Ph. Faehndrich
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