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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Docbook AIR Help

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone is developing anything for Adobe Air? 

I currently administer both Docbook and DITA projects, and have been following the development of a DITA plugin for creating "AIR Help" with great interest. Adapting the DITA project to provide online, cross-platform help for my Docbook projects is one of my current priorities and I was wondering if anyone else is looking at the same thing.

For those who have never heard of "AIR Help", it's based on the Adobe AIR platform (which is on its way to being open-sourced). AIR provides the kind of open-ended power to create interactive tools that (IMHO) we're going to need going forward. Even in it's current pre-beta state, Scott Prentice's airhelp app is still far superior to JavaHelp. 

Anyhoo, just wondered: people interested in the Airhelp project could go to: 




for more information.


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