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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook workshop syllabi?

Wow, good comments all (and I hope more flow) -- I am on the road this week but when I get back and the dust settles, I'll begin working on a syllabus for the workshop and will share it with everyone. Michael, if you want to show me material in draft, I would be happy to give it a novice's look-over.

Dean, thanks for the doc. Actually, the XML would help, too! In some ways I *am* looking for specifics -- we have an initial "Book of Evergreen" we'd like people to think about and when possible write in, with its own style conventions and Docbook template. I'm also considering using XMLMind (personal edition) as the example editor. I am working with a documentation intern at another institution who also suggested I begin by showing other examples of XML, to make the case for it.

Tobias, you bring up an interesting angle. There has been discussion (maybe not surprisingly) about whether we really "need" Docbook or could just continue using our current Dokuwiki instance. There are XML editors that are at least as comfortable as any wiki, but they don't have the collaborative functionality you talk about. That's an interesting workflow consideration. That said, we've had a recent spate of documentation, some of it quite excellent -- but produced in Word.

Thanks again -- more later!

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 7:55 AM, DavePawson <davep@dpawson.co.uk> wrote:
Lots of useful comments.

IMHO most useful.

Develop ideas on a wiki (Docbook wiki?)
Need to clarify the objectives.
Bob - training docbook developers
Michael - tools and error messages
?     - A general intro to docbook.

I think scoping the 'workshop' out could
be most useful, possibly even produce
a number of workshops, different audiences.



Dave Pawson

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