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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] better internationalization issues again

I forgot to mention which values of lang or xml:lang  trigger right-to-left 
writing mode.  The current list is he (Hebrew), ar (Arabic), and fa (Farsi). 
Also, the current snapshot for the docbook-xsl-ns namespaced stylesheets 
should work for DocBook5 documents in those languages.

Given that I don't read any of those languages, I would appreciate feedback 
from anyone who tries them.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Stayton" <bobs@sagehill.net>
To: "Muayyad AlSadi" <alsadi@gmail.com>; <Cavicchio_Rob@emc.com>; 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] better internationalization issues 

>I made another pass through the stylesheets for FO and HTML to support 
>right-to-left text direction.  The latest stylesheet snapshot has the 
>changes.  If you could test it on PDF output, that would be great.
> http://docbook.sourceforge.net/snapshots/
> At this point there should be good support for the global lang setting. 
> Additional work will be needed for mixed language documents that set lang 
> or dir further inside a document.
> Bob Stayton
> Sagehill Enterprises
> bobs@sagehill.net
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Muayyad AlSadi" <alsadi@gmail.com>
> To: <Cavicchio_Rob@emc.com>; <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 2:15 PM
> Subject: [docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] better internationalization issues 
> again
> margin-start can be emulated with margin-$direction.align.start
>> as this is a big change and will appear in 1.75.
> fair enough
>> Thanks for the info on pre.  Are you saying that the formatting of a 
>> programlisting > element should always be ltr at the block level?
> yes, there is no popular Arabic programming language so yes, it should
> go from left to right unless one day I make one PL in this case I
> should override that manually
>> Regarding the encoding attribute, I agree with you that UTF-8 is the 
>> right value, but we cannot just change it without warning.   It could 
>> create problems when an HTTP server's configuration includes encoding 
>> information that does not agree with the HTML files.   People  have had 
>> to resort to various tricks to handle the quirks of older browsers.
> I'll be fine with just including the docbook.utf8.xsl in archive file
> even if it's not the default, having it there for long enough time
> will do the rest
> and yes of course, when testing I shouldn't use any external css
> but is there a way to tell xsl to dump all it's bultin css [used and 
> unused]
> so that I can revise them but doing the dump with Arabic and English 
> locales
> then do a perl script then diff and the missing parts would show up
> and some other tactics
>> BTW, which rtl languages are you able to test with?
> Arabic of course, you should expect that we are the largest Semitic
> population  although the media  call us antisemitic this is ridiculous
> but it's something funny :-)
> Hebrew and Persian languages were included in the original patch
> I know that there are about a dozen of languages that uses Arabic
> alphabet but I can't list any of them except Urdu and Pashto but I
> don't know more than that [eg. I don't know locale iso codes] and I
> guess Urdu can also be written with a different  latin-like alphabet
> (watch peacetv.org at the peak times for Urdu speakers I see that they
> write it in both scripts)
> Wow! it's nice to "meet" people like you from so far places!
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