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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: blogging using DocBook articles or so ...

>>>>> Remko Tronçon writes:

>> … maybe there has already been an attempt to use DocBook for blogging?

> FWIW, I created a stylesheet for integrating DocBook documents with
> the WordPress blogging platform:

>    http://el-tramo.be/blog/integrating-docbook-with-wordpress

I downloaded your docbook-kit-master.zip,
and I like especially its size,
I mean how small it seems to be.
"small is beautiful" in that respect.

"But" just like "Norm's Own Approach" you need an entire web-server and
so forth for yourself.

I would still love to run a script over all (DocBook) articles located on my disk in one directory or so,
let it assume, there is already HTML generated and "uploaded" for all of them,
create RSS resp. ATOM,
upload that to a public place.

"As simple as that."

Unreasonable? Undoable?

> I don't really use it for blogging, though, only for integrating my
> DocBook articles in my webpage.

> Moving from dynamic blogs to 'static' blogs has gained some popularity
> recently, with projects like Jekyll being used a lot. These projects
> use Textile, Markdown, etc. wiki-like syntax as input formats, but
> DocBook would work as well.

So my approach isn't really to insane, I understand ;-)

> cheers,
> Remko

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