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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Handling individual document attributes whenpublishing with Ant

On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 00:05:56 -0500
Peter Desjardins <peter.desjardins.us@gmail.com> wrote:

> Those sound like excellent solutions.
> Is there a way to have Ant build the 40 individual build.xml files
> from a central build file? I'd like to invoke Ant once, have it build
> 40 documents based on their individual build XML files, and then move
> on to other targets such as packaging in Eclipse WAR files.
> Thanks for your help.
> Peter

I use ant to call up XSLT to build an ant script... then run
that built ant script from the 'parent' script?

Use a list of params to the building xslt, to control the built ant

<echo>Now run ant build file ${imagelist_anttask}</echo>
<ant antfile="${imagelist_anttask}" target="copy"/> 
<echo>All image files validated and copied to

Sounds like incest, but it works fine.




Dave Pawson

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