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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] xhtml/docbook.xsl performance

Thanks for this information.  We are still 1.75.2.

How much performance improvement is there?

What concerns should we have for upgrading to 1.7.6?

Thank you very much,
David Link
New York

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Mauritz Jeanson <mj@johanneberg.com> wrote:
|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: David Link
|  We are using docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl, to convert large
|  d:sections of xml into html in real time for users using an
|  application in a browser.
|  This can take the better part of a second to do.
|  Are there known ways to improve performance of these
|  transforms?  Are some parts of the transform more expensive
|  than others?  Should I look for docbook features we do not
|  support and try to eliminate them from the standard
|  transform to make it faster?
|  Are there other light way tools which can also turn docbook
|  into html quickly?

What version of the stylesheets are you using?

Maybe the following can help. The performance of the gentext/localization
machinery was improved recently. The improvements are available in
DocBook-XSL from version 1.76.

Here is a thread where this was discussed:


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