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Subject: RE: Different types of document builds

Title: Different types of document builds

We used make for a while before adopting Ant.  It was much more difficult to explain to writers than Ant proved to be, and customizing the builds was more difficult for them, since they had XML tools for editing DocBook, anyway, but were not familiar with pure text editors.  Ant was also available cross-platform, which was helpful in our environment (we had people developing documents on HP-UX, Windows, and Linux systems).



Larry Rowland


From: Speights, Scott [mailto:Scott.Speights@haufe-lexware.com]
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 1:00 AM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [docbook-apps] Different types of document builds


Hello everybody,

I hear a lot about using Ant to build docbook documentation. Certainly, the support for the open source tools for Ant is very good. I would like to ask the list if anybody has had experience with other types of build systems like MSBuild or Maven (not using the Ant plug-in) . When I search the web, I find lots of very good documentation about Ant, but only a very little bit for Maven and nothing for MSBuild. Has anybody given these a try?

Thanks, Scott

Scott Speights

Technical Writer


Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG

Munzinger Str. 9, D-79111 Freiburg

Tel. +49 761 898-5313

E-Mail: scott.speights@haufe-lexware.com

Internet: http://www.haufe-lexware.com


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