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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Suppress Refentry title "Name"

Hi Bob!
I do not know why,but today the problem is solved.
Does it play a role if you render your pdf directly on the server? The 
guy who rendered xml to pdf rendered with oxygen.

Regards, Lwam

Am 22.12.2010 17:47, schrieb Bob Stayton:
> Hi Lwam,
>> We found out that "Name" of the refnamediv can not be influenced by
>> parameters or something else!
>> Is it true that "Name" is generated by Pearl?
> If you mean by the Perl programming language, the answer is no. Perl is
> not involved in DocBook XSL processing at all.
>> And is it true, that it is not possible to suppress "Name"?
> Again, the answer is no. If you process your document with the
> stylesheet param refentry.generate.name="0" then you get no "Name" label
> in the output.
> Here is a snippet of HTML output when refentry.generate.name="1":
> <div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>Minimal &#8212; Test of a
> minimal RefEntry</p></div>
> And here it is when refentry.generate.name="0".
> <div class="refnamediv"><p>Minimal &#8212; Test of a minimal
> RefEntry</p></div>
> You can see that the second example does not have <h2>Name</h2>.
> The same applies for FO output.
> Bob Stayton
> Sagehill Enterprises
> bobs@sagehill.net

Gruß Lwam Berhane

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