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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] endnotes section in ePub

Hi Robert,
I was not refering to two-pass profiling, I was refering to the two files that are 
needed for customizing chunked HTML.

In the chunking stylesheet, there are two templates for each element: one for chunking 
and one for formatting the content of the chunk.  The chunking templates have higher 
import precedence than the content-formatting templates.  When you process the 
document, for each element, it first applies the chunking template to create the 
wrapper for the content, and inside that it does xsl:apply-imports, which causes the 
stylesheet to reach down in the import precedence to the original formatting template 
for that element.

If you were to just put an element-formatting template in a stylesheet that imports 
chunk.xsl, your template will overwrite the chunking template for that element and 
break the output.  Instead, your formatting template needs to be at a lower import 
precedence, and that set up is described in my book.

Regarding the table of contents, you could add another template:

<xsl:template match="d:appendix[@role = 'endnotes']" mode="object.title.markup">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="title.markup"/>

The 'object.title.markup' mode generates "Appendix A: Endnotes", while 'title.markup' 
mode generates just "Endnotes".  I haven't tested this, but something like it should 

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Nagle" <idiotprogrammer@gmail.com>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>; "Jason Zech" <zech@loyolapress.com>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] endnotes section in ePub

>I am somewhat interested in the method for customizing chunking
> described here because I face similar scenarios.
> YOU SAID: In this case, you want the standard chunking behavior for an
> appendix, but you want to alter its content.  Therefore, your custom
> template just needs to handle the content and not try to deal with the
> chunking process.  That means it needs to be in the "mydocbook.xsl"
> part of the customization described in that doc.
> If you were doing two pass profiling, then the first pass will create
> the content for the appendix while the second pass will make the chunk
> URL work with the html output? Is that what you mean? Or am I
> confusing 2 different things?
> Also, how would you instruct the HTML TOC not to omit  the label
> APPENDIX but not the others?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Robert Nagle
> 6121 Winsome Ln #56C, Houston TX 77057-5581
> (H) 713 893 3424/ (W) 832-251-7522 Carbon Neutral Since Jan 2010
> http://www.robertnagle.info
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