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Subject: Re: AW: [docbook-apps] ragged index with recent fop snapshots

On 7/18/2011 3:46 AM, Markus Hoenicka wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 08:19:33 +0200, Robert.Buergel@bmw.de wrote:
>> we are using dblatex with which we never had such problems.
>> Maybe you give it a try.
> this may be an option although I never tried if dblatex handles
> citations and reference lists well enough for my purposes. I keep my
> references in a SQL database and use RefDB to provide them as raw
> DocBook bibliomixed entries.

dblatex does well with citations.  As for the reference lists, it looks 
like RefDB outputs as BibTeX as well.  We use dblatex +XeLaTeX with 
BibTeX for the references (rather than DocBook entries), and the ff. 
processing instruction:
  <?bibtex bibfiles="References" bibstyle="sp" mode="all"?>
(which pulls in a BibTeX file References.bib).  Then we can take 
advantage of the diversity of LaTeX packages for formatting the 
bibliography.  The result is more than adequate for our purposes.  The 
one drawback might be that BibTeX doesn't handle Unicode sorts well, 
although I think that only bites you if you have non-Roman scripts in 
some of your authors' names.  (It seems to handle accented Roman scripts 
IIRC, but I haven't tested this thoroughly.)
	Mike Maxwell
	"My definition of an interesting universe is
	one that has the capacity to study itself."
         --Stephen Eastmond

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