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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] ePub TOC question

Thanks for the explanation of what is happening Bob. I do have
chunk.separate.lots=1 set.

I'll modify the template you suggested.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I don't get that output with the stock stylesheets.  You are getting this
> behavior because your customization expands 'generate.toc' to include
> figure, table, etc., and you set chunk.separate.lots=1, right?
> The "./" comes from the utility template named 'make-relative-filename' in
> xhtml-1_1/chunker.xsl.  I'm not sure why it is "./" instead of just blank,
> but that template is used in many contexts and I would not change that.
> However, you can work around it for this case by customizing the template
> named 'make.lot.chunk' in chunk-common.xsl.  When it is computing the
> variable named 'href' for a lot, it calls 'make-relative-filename' without
> the 'base.dir' param, because the generated lot is in the same directory as
> the main toc.  When 'base.dir' is not specified, you get the default "./",
> which is actually correct as a pathname and seems to work in contexts other
> than validation of epub documents, it seems.
> You can modify that call to add a template param:
> <xsl:variable name="href">
>  <xsl:call-template name="make-relative-filename">
>   <!-- Add this param with empty string value -->
>   <xsl:param name="base.dir" select="''"/>
>  etc.
> That eliminates the "./" from the lot references, and should not affect
> other instances of 'make-relative-filename'.
> Bob Stayton
> Sagehill Enterprises
> bobs@sagehill.net
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Johnson" <ericjohnson@apache.org>
> To: "Docbook Apps" <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 6:50 AM
> Subject: [docbook-apps] ePub TOC question
>> I'm generating Epub using the current release of the style sheets and
>> I keep getting the following error when validating my generated
>> content:
>> ERROR: prod_intro.epub/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html(4):
>> 'OEBPS/./figure-toc.html': referenced resource missing in the package
>> ERROR: prod_intro.epub/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html(4):
>> 'OEBPS/./table-toc.html': referenced resource missing in the package
>> ERROR: prod_intro.epub/OEBPS/bk01-toc.html(4):
>> 'OEBPS/./example-toc.html': referenced resource missing in the package
>> In addition to creating the ERROR in validation, the book opens the
>> lof, lot, and lox in a Web browser instead of in the e-book viewer.
>> The xxx-toc files are all properly generated and included in the
>> package, but the generated TOC prefixes a "./" to all of them. How do
>> I get the generated hrefs to the lot, lof, and lox entries in the
>> generated TOC to not be "./xxx-toc.html"?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> --
>> Principle Technical Writer
>> FuseSource
>> Phone: (781) 280-4174
>> E-Mail: ericjohnson@apache.org
>> Blog: http://documentingit.blogspot.com/
>> Twitter: finnmccumial
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Principle Technical Writer
Phone: (781) 280-4174
E-Mail: ericjohnson@apache.org
Blog: http://documentingit.blogspot.com/
Twitter: finnmccumial

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