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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] How to use Calabash with the DocBook XSL1.0 Stylesheets?

On 2.1.2012 22:02, Thomas Schraitle wrote:

> I've replaced the original chunker.xsl from the XSLT 1.0 stylesheets with the 
> above patch. However, it seems that doesn't help:
>     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named 
> {http://exslt.org/common}node-set().
>   There is no Saxon extension function with the local name node-set
> Failed to compile stylesheet. 1 error detected.

Argh. It was working at that time. The trouble is than since then
node-set() was replaced from free version of Saxon. This probably could
be worked out, the question is whether it is worth time I actually don't
have now. :-(


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz      http://xmlguru.cz
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

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