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Subject: put a table in abstract: suppress title

Can anyone tell me how to suppress the title for a table just in the Abstract, using the xsl docbook stylesheets? For my work, it was suggested I put a table at the beginning of the document to outline the contents. (This idea did not come from me, and I don't think it a good one.) Hence, I put the table right after the abstract.

I want to (1) suppress the title for this table, (2) start numbering the next table at 1, and (3) not include this table in the list of tables.

1. ??

2. <xsl:template match="d:table[@class = 'after-abstract']" mode="toc" /> <!--suppresses tol entry-->

3. <xsl:template match="d:table" mode="label.markup">
<xsl:when test="@label">
<xsl:value-of select="@label"/>
<xsl:variable name="num">
<xsl:number format="1" from="book|article" level="any"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$num - 1"/>
<!--only partially works; need to find complete template to number tables in appendix correctly-->

I found a way to implement (2), and a way to mostly implement (3), but I can't find the named template to suppress any title from the first table.



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