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Subject: Cannot resolve SVG DTD for FO output

Setup: DB 1.76.1 ns, XEP 4.19, Saxon 6.5.5.

I have produced SVG 1.1 files from Adobe Illustrator CS3 and am linking to these from XML (not embedded). I can only display these in FO if I remove the DTD from the SVG file – problem with this is that fonts are substituted (e.g. ArialMT becomes substituted with Helvetica).

So I’ve attempted to set up an XML catalog using the steps in The Definitive Guide. My results are:

1.  SVG 1.1 DTD “svg11.dtd” put into c:/svg_dtd/.

2.  Catalog file “svgdtd.xml” put into c:/svg_dtd/:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE catalog PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Catalogs V1.1//EN"
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">

<group prefer="public" xml:base="file:///c:/svg_dtd/">
            publicId="-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"

3. Downloaded “resolver.jar” and associated files to c:/xml-commons-resolver-1.2/. Added “resolver.jar” and “CatalogManager.properties” to CLASSPATH:

.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext\QTJava.zip;C:\xml-commons-resolver-1.2\resolver.jar;C:\svg_dtd\CatalogManager.properties


“CatalogManager.properties” contains:


4. And the xep.bat file was modified (this is what I’m unsure about – whether I need to specify certain config options):

@echo off

rem   This batch file encapsulates a standard XEP call.

set CP=C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\xep.jar;C:\xml-commons-resolver-1.2\resolver.jar;C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon6.5.5\saxon.jar;C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon6.5.5\saxon-xml-apis.jar;C:\Program


if x%OS%==xWindows_NT goto WINNT

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" -Dcom.renderx.sax.entityresolver=org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver \-Dcom.renderx.jaxp.uriresolver=org.apache.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver \ -classpath "%CP%" com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-

DCONFIG=C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

goto END


"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" -classpath "%CP%" com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-DCONFIG=C:\Program

Files\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %*


set CP=



Dave Gardiner

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