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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] embedding fonts in generated pdf

On 2012-07-16 13:28, Bob Stayton wrote:
> I second the suggestion of using fonts other than the "standard" fonts
> for embedding in PDFs. The Type 1 fonts you list are not embeddable
> unless you purchase the font outlines from Adobe and install them on
> your system.  The font outlines (the code that draws the letter
> shapes) are not included in any operating system that I know of
> because of that licensing fee. They were originally built into every
> printing device, and so the operating system only needed to the font
> metric files to set type in those fonts.  Windows substitutes Arial
> and Times New Roman TrueType fonts, which are embeddable.

Ah ! I sense slowly a consistent picture forming in my mind. :-)

Still, I seem to be missing some missing link. For example: Who or what
caused the generated pdf to reference Type 1 fonts, and what would it
take to switch to TrueType ?



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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