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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Showing keywords on output

Hi Larry,

On Sun, 22 Jul 2012 17:07:03 -0500
Larry Garfield <larry@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> In my case I'm slightly abusing keywords for categories, [...]

Funny, I did the same. :)

> My source looks something like this:
> <article>
>    <articleinfo>
>      <keywordset>
>        <keyword role="service">PC</keyword>
>        <keyword role="category">Destroyer</keyword>
>        <keyword role="variant">Tactical</keyword>
>        <keyword role="mark">II</keyword>
>      </keywordset>
>    </articleinfo>
>    <!-- ... -->
> </article>
> At one point in time with an older version of DocBook XSL, I had the 
> following customizations working:
>    <xsl:template match="article//keywordset" 

Ok, a minor detail: Better use the XPath expression
"article/*/keywordset". It's a tiny bit faster (you probably won't
notice any difference, but anyway) and more consistent with the current
DocBook structure. A keywordset is allowed only inside articleinfo or

> [...]
> My questions then are:
> 1) What's the correct way in "modern" DBXSL to grab the keywords and 
> display them at the top of each page?

In my book I have sections and used section.titlepage.before.verso.
That means, the keywords will be placed _after_ the title structure is
processed (that's not what you want).

Here is a short overview in which order all the templates are executed.
A foo() notation denotes a named template (xsl:template name="foo">):

article.titlepage()                 => called from article
  article.titlepage.before.recto()  => empty
  article.titlepage.recto()         => creates the article titlepage
  article.titlepage.before.verso()  => empty
  article.titlepage.verso()         => empty
  article.titlepage.separator()     => returns <hr/>

In your case, you need to customize article.titlepage.before.recto

> 2) Is there some structure other than keywords that I should be using 
> instead that I don't know about, that would be easier to work with?

You could use subjectset, subject, and subjectterm:

  subjectset — A set of terms describing the subject matter of a

I assume, you have some more possibilities (like to determine the
scheme and weight) than with keywordsets., - 

Currently, as far as I can see, a subjectset is ignored for HTML. If
you use these elements, you have to customize these templates.
In FO the FO stylesheets use them to create meta data. 

    Thomas Schraitle

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