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Subject: Customizing the topic element


I am still trying to make it possible to xinclude a group of elements to multiple places in a document, and be able to validate every file. The simplified use-case is the following:

    <title>Procedure 1</title>
    <step>Step 1
    <step>Step 2
    <xinclude href="file2.xml">
    <title>Procedure 2</title>
    <step>Step 1
    <step>Step 2
    <xinclude href="file3.xml">
file2.xml (includes steps common for both procedures):
    <step>Common step 1
    <step>Common step 2

My problem is that when including file2, I get error messages:
"Element step in namespace 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' encountered in topic, but no template matches."

That's not surprising, so I added a custom template that (I hope) calls the proper template for every element found in topic/step:
<xsl:template match="d:topic/d:step">
    <xsl:for-each select="./*">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>

However, in the output the steps from the topic are located at the top of the procedure (and are not numbered), so it looks like:
Common step 1
Common step 2
1. Step 1
2. Step 2

(Instead of
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
Common step 1
Common step 2
(Similar thing happens when xincluding a topic containing listitems into an itemizedlist.)

How can I tell the stylesheets to treat the child nodes of a topic as if the topic node weren't there?

Kind Regards,


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