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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] computeroutput vs screen vs xmllint

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Stefan Hinz <stefan.hinz@oracle.com> wrote:
> Bonjour Mathieu,
>> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Stefan Hinz <stefan.hinz@oracle.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>     We are internally using different docbook editors (vi, emacs, serna
>>>> and xmlmind). To some extent, we would like to preserve a nice and
>>>> clear history of revision of our XML files in SVN (subversion). For
>>>> this we use a script based on xmllint --format to reformat to a unique
>>>> presentation. This has work quite well until today. Could someone
>>>> please let me know if the following situation is an issue with either
>>>> XML or docbook itself:
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
>>>> "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd";>
>>>> <article>
>>>>     <section>
>>>>       <title>Introduction</title>
>>>>       <para>Before</para>
>>>>       <screen><computeroutput>a.txt
>>>> b.txt
>>>> </computeroutput>
>>>> </screen>
>>>>       <para>After</para>
>>>>     </section>
>>>> </article>
>>>> while xmllint --format prefers:
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
>>>> "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd";>
>>>> <article>
>>>>     <section>
>>>>       <title>Introduction</title>
>>>>       <para>Before</para>
>>>>       <screen>
>>>>         <computeroutput>a.txt
>>>> b.txt
>>>> </computeroutput>
>>>>       </screen>
>>>>       <para>After</para>
>>>>     </section>
>>>> </article>
>>> The latter is wrong. Stuff within "verbatim" containers such as <screen>
>>> or
>>> <programlisting> shouldn't be re-formatted at all, but rather preserved
>>> as
>>> is.
>>> I'd suggest using Paul DuBois' XML Formatter which does what it's
>>> supposed
>>> to do. It's included in many Linux distros already, but if it's not in
>>> yours
>>> (or if you're not using Linux) you can find it here:
>>> http://www.kitebird.com/software/xmlformat/
>> $ wget http://www.kitebird.com/software/xmlformat/xmlformat-1.04.tar.gz
>> $ tar xvfz xmlformat-1.04.tar.gz
>> $ cd xmlformat-1.04
>> $ cp xmlformat.pl /usr/local/bin/xmlformat
>> $ xmlformat input.xml > new.xml
>> $ cat new.xml
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
>> "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd";>
>> <article>
>>   <section>
>>    <title>Introduction</title>
>>    <para>Before</para>
>>    <screen>
>>     <computeroutput>a.txt
>> b.txt
>> </computeroutput>
>>    </screen>
>>    <para>After</para>
>>   </section>
>> </article>
>> This is *exactly* what I am trying to avoid. xmllint and xmlformat
>> seems to produce the exact same output. Is it working as supposed on
>> your machine ? Which version are you using ?
> Darn, sorry for that. :-(
> I guess xmlformat-1.04 still doesn't include the setting it includes in our
> setup here:
> atlas~/svn/mysqldoc-toolset/tools> grep screen xmlformat.conf
> programlisting literallayout synopsis screen
> In other words, add "screen" to the respective line of xmlformat.conf, and
> things should work properly.

magnificent !

Thanks a bunch

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