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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Images not getting output in all formats using Oxygen 14.0

The WebHelp output (either the one which comes with Docbook or the
customized Oxygen WebHelp) executes an ANT transformation which
besides applying the XSLT stylesheets on the XML files does additional
operations like copying image folders to the output folder.

Yes realized later on I could copy the images over myself so not such a
big deal, but a bit inconsistent don't you think ?
As much as possible I want to create one help file and not consider the
output formats at all whilst writing it, then one click I want it
rendered nicely for each formats


IMHO it would be wrong for the stylesheets (or editor) to move images that the user has set up.

So moving the images to where you want them, relative to where you create the output, seems the right solution to me.


Dave Pawson

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