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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Setting book toc.indent.width for sect1

On 10/13/2012 08:33 AM, Xmplar wrote:
In a book toc, I need to set the first-level sections listed under each chapter
against the left margin of the toc.

The screenshot showing the sections listed under Chapter 2 is what I’m trying to
achieve with a customization of toc.indent.width (I think that’s what I need

I used a single toc.indent.width value (29pt), and in the FO I changed the
margin-left for the fo:block that has a chapter id number, to give it a negative
value for toc.indent.width.

Using pt as length values may be interesting when viewed in a PDF viewer.

What happens when I zoom in to make the document readable (to me)?
Do the values remain constant? I.e. distort wrt remainder of the document?

If your base font is 10pt, try some value relative to that, 3em or something, to see if the spacing remains constant (relatively)

Just a thought.


Dave Pawson

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