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Subject: HTML5 style attributes override CSS

I’m getting other spurious ‘style’ attributes with hardcoded styles using 1.77.1 HTML5/EPUB 3. (My previous question about width and height on img has been fixed.) These attributes should probably be removed, because I can’t override them with CSS styles. (The HTML5 specs don’t state that my specific examples  are deprecated/obsolete.) The elements are being generated with classes, which is sufficient for CSS, but the additional ‘style’ attribute seems to effectively kill that functionality. I’m aware that a lot of this is probably generated by templates in html5-element-mods.xsl. Can these style templates please be revised?


Width (and height) on external SVG:

<div class="mediaobject"><object
          style="width: 106.29921259842521; " type="image/svg+xml" data="images/test.svg"
          width="106.29921259842521" height="106.29921259842521">

Bullet symbol on itemizedlist (and similarly for numeration in orderedlist):

<div class="itemizedlist" epub:type="list"><ul class="itemizedlist compact"
            style="list-style-type: circle; ">

Horizontal alignment for img (and in the wrapping div):

<div style="text-align: center; " class="mediaobject"><img
              style="text-align: middle; " src="images/Figure2-1.gif"
              alt="Alternate text for the image in XHTML file" /></div>

Also please recheck style attributes for table, td, th, tr.

Dave Gardiner

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