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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] <a> inside <li> adds white space in Firefox and IE?

Hi Eric,
You can ditch the named anchors by setting the stylesheet param 'generate.id.attributes' to 1.  That will add an id to the <li> instead of adding an named anchor after it.
Now that ids are fully supported in browsers, and version 1.78 fully implements that parameter, this should probably be the default setting.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:29 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] <a> inside <li> adds white space in Firefox and IE?



I?m having a display issue in Firefox and IE regarding my XHTML output. If a step is a linkend for an xref, the paragraph drops down below the line that has the step number. It?s almost as if the <a> tag is pushing the <p> down. This only happens on steps with the <a> tag, and if I delete the <a> tag the problem goes away. This does not happen in Chrome.


Has anyone found a fix for this? Here is the HTML below:


<li class="step" title="Step 4">

<a id="some_ID" xmlns:saxon="http://icl.com/saxon"></a>

<p>Some text.</p>





Eric Nordlund

Customer Documentation and Training

Cray Inc.

901 5th Ave

Seattle, WA 98164



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