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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Time for new DocBook Stylesheet Release?


I'd be interested to know what to expect from these updates to come too –  besides bug fixes I mean. Are there any plans to implement some new and exciting output targets? We have been building a CCMS system with Docbook as its backbone. So for my company it would be very important to know if Docbook is still alive and kicking. 


30 jun 2015 kl. 19:11 skrev Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net>:

Hi Thomas,
Has it really been two years?!  I'll start the process to produce a new DocBook XSL release, and then work with the other developers to carry out the transition of the build to Ant, hopefully simplifying the rather arcane process.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 6/29/2015 11:53 PM, Thomas Schraitle wrote:

in the last years I've observed a trend, that the DocBook stylesheets
don't publish new releases very often.

The last release of the stylesheets is from 2013 which is two years old!
Am I'm the only one who need and wait desperately for a new release? ;))

I know, you are all busy with other things. However, I fear, this makes
the wrong impression that this project is dead. I hope this is not.

After two years I would love to see a new release. Maybe with a release
cycle which counts in months and not years?

Any plans? Thoughts? :)

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