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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] support for olink PDF fragment IDs

This was actually a limitation of the DocBook stylesheet's support of FOP. FOP requires that link destinations have a proprietary element inserted into the fo named fox:destination for each id you want to target for a link. The template that generated those did not cover all elements in 1.78.1. This problem has been fixed for the next release, and it works in the snapshot releases.

I'm in the midst of preparing the next release.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 7/31/2015 10:39 AM, Barton Wright wrote:
Congratulations, Cathy, on getting cross-PDF linking to work at all!
That was a tall mountain to climb. And I am SO DELIGHTED to see a
division of Apple using DocBook!

As for your exact issue, I can offer only a guess and not knowledge. Are
your tables formal or informal? You might need to use formal tables to
be able to successfully olink to them. If that’s not the problem, then
your workaround is to olink to the nearest block-level section when
referencing the table.

Let this list know how you solve this!

Best of luck.

I am using oXygen XML Editor 16.1 with the bundled DocBook 5
stylesheets and Apache FOP 1.1 and Saxon 6.5.5.

I am generating PDFs from within Oxygen. I followed the instructions
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Olinking.html#LinkBetweenDocs to
set up everything. I can link from one PDF and open to a spot within a
second PDF, if I am linking to sections in the other doc. But it is
not working for me to link to a table within the other PDF; instead it
opens to page 1 of the PDF.

Anyone have this same issue? Or able to successfully link to a table
within a second PDF?


Cathy Riely
 Technical Writer, Lonestar Design Center
criely@apple.com <mailto:criely@apple.com>
512-910-6275 office
512-413-6250 cell

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