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Subject: docbook-digest Digest #196

DOCBOOK: Very Newbie Installation Guide?
RE: DOCBOOK: Very Newbie Installation Guide?
Re: DOCBOOK: toc enumeration
Re: DOCBOOK: Very Newbie Installation Guide?
DOCBOOK: Re: Which element should be used as a status ?
Re: DOCBOOK: using docbook for CLOS
Re: DOCBOOK: using docbook for CLOS
DOCBOOK: Re: marking up keycaps according to their semantics
DOCBOOK: Re: No attribute value 'PDF' in imagedata
DOCBOOK: Re: using docbook for CLOS
DOCBOOK: Re: sgml vs xml
DOCBOOK: Re: sgml vs xml
DOCBOOK: Re: any reason why a "procedure" is not a child of "para"?
DOCBOOK: Re: documenting an API: RFE
DOCBOOK: Re: Working with XInclude / xml:base / libxml v2.4.24 and
DOCBOOK: Re: <speakernotes> in Slides 3.1.0 Full
DOCBOOK: Re: toc enumeration
DOCBOOK: Re: toc enumeration
Re: DOCBOOK: Re: sgml vs xml
DOCBOOK: Re: using docbook for CLOS
DOCBOOK: Re: using docbook for CLOS

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Hello All,

I am brand new to this list and if this question has been asked a millions
times I'm sorry, but...

Could someone point me to a very newbie installation guide for docbooks
that will explain what .dtd, .ent, .gml, .whatever files are so that I can
get through what seems to me to be a mess of files and just start using
docbooks faster?

I have looked at many different guides including the one that was made
into a book, I have gotten confused because some say that .ent should be
changed to .gml and on top of that I have .ent files located all over
after installing a number of packages, docbook-3.1-3.src.rpm,
stylesheets-1.54.13rh-5mlx.noarch.rpm, openjade-1.3.1-4 -whatever I read
were the correct packages. It's a mess.

So I would like to start over. I am installing docbooks on a Redhat 7.3
Linux box so that I can document a few ongoing projects. I believe I will
be using the sgml.

Has anyone done this? Is there a good guide just for this?

Thanks so much,

> Could someone point me to a very newbie installation guide 
> for docbooks
> that will explain what .dtd, .ent, .gml, .whatever files are 
> so that I can
> get through what seems to me to be a mess of files and just 
> start using
> docbooks faster?

> So I would like to start over. I am installing docbooks on a 
> Redhat 7.3
> Linux box so that I can document a few ongoing projects. I 
> believe I will
> be using the sgml.

Perhaps Dave Pawsons FAQ at http://www.dpawson.co.uk/docbook/ might be
helpful for you, e.g.

Gisbert Amm

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 12:54:59PM +0100, Hanno Kortekamp wrote:
> How do I remove the last dot in chapter and section enumeration (2.4
> instead of 2.4.) in toc, list of tables and list of figures. For titels
> it works fine to change language file, but that doesn't work for toc.

The stylesheet parameter 'autotoc.label.separator'
supplies that dot.  Define that parameter as empty
and the dot will go away.


Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: bobs@sco.com

Thank you for your help.

It really came down to RTFM. But I just needed to know the right one :)


On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Jennifer Scalf wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am brand new to this list and if this question has been asked a millions
> times I'm sorry, but...
> Could someone point me to a very newbie installation guide for docbooks
> that will explain what .dtd, .ent, .gml, .whatever files are so that I can
> get through what seems to me to be a mess of files and just start using
> docbooks faster?
> I have looked at many different guides including the one that was made
> into a book, I have gotten confused because some say that .ent should be
> changed to .gml and on top of that I have .ent files located all over
> after installing a number of packages, docbook-3.1-3.src.rpm,
> stylesheets-1.54.13rh-5mlx.noarch.rpm, openjade-1.3.1-4 -whatever I read
> were the correct packages. It's a mess.
> So I would like to start over. I am installing docbooks on a Redhat 7.3
> Linux box so that I can document a few ongoing projects. I believe I will
> be using the sgml.
> Has anyone done this? Is there a good guide just for this?
> Thanks so much,
> Jennifer

Thanks a lot, very nice of you. May I continue (in spite of my English)? This
will be only semantic questions, usually effect of ignorance, in hope they are
not out of subject. 

> Since DocBook is about software documentation

I understand the goal, but you also know that not specific software project
prefers use docbook than other DTDs (TEI ?), for some reasons wich are
 - your reactivity
 - software support
 - your xsl tools
 - all your well structured types like bibliography, index, footnotes ...

You also understand that users could be glad to have expressed support of
their needs (a named element), to stay close to the generic tools, instead of
schema redefinition or proprietary attributes. That's why I will try to defend
my opinion, in the idea of _ software documentation_.

> I often use a legalnotice as a
> kind of status in *info elements (with an appropriate role). There's
> also an attribute to show the publication status.

To my opinion, <status/> make a nice type with <abstract/> and <audience/> to
qualify a section (%descobj.class; ???). Example
	<title>Advanced functionalities</title>
	<abstract>Description of the software advanced ... </abstract>
	<audience>Power users</audience>
	<status>This is only a draft ...</status>

(in this partial example,  <caution/>, <important/>, <note/>, <tip/> or
<warning/> may be used with precised instructions to redactors in replacement
of a <status/>)

This could be of general interest.

About an inline structure <concept/>, <samp/> or <definition/>

> You can use indexterm to mark index terms, but DocBook doesn't have
> the notion of an inline concept. The catch-all for things like this is
> phrase with a role attribute.
> Programlisting or screen or literallayout are common choices.

This is of course the specific software understanding of example. To express
more precisely my idea, is this correct? 

<phrase role="definition"><xref linkend="schema"/>A <phrase role="concept"
give a structure to a document.</phrase> For example, <phrase
role="example"><xref linkend="schema"/>a book is an ordered collection of

In replacement of this lighter tagging
<definition ref="schema">A <concept id="schema">Schema</concept> give a
structure to a document.</definition> For example, <example>a book is an
ordered collection of chapters</example>.
Procession expectations: 
concepts are _not_ suppressed in the primary text flow, they contribute to the
population of an index with related definitions and examples. If no id/ref
provided, definitions and examples could be automatically related to a concept
in the same block. 

I'm afraid this is not well structured enough to be of general interest. But
perhaps someone else have better ideas.

Aurelio Bignoli writes:
 > Henrik Motakef writes:
 >  > james anderson <james.anderson@setf.de> writes:
 >  > 
 >  > > is anyone using docbook to encode documentation for clos-based systems?
 >  > 
 >  > The SBCL folks use docbook for their documentation, maybe one of them
 >  > can help.
 > CLISP documentation is also maintained in Docbook format.

Sam Steingold, one of the maintainer of CLISP, asked me to add some
more details:

CLISP uses DocBook/XML for its implementation notes.

CLOCC/cllib/clhs.lisp generates DocBook/XML entities, see

Henrik Motakef writes:
 > james anderson <james.anderson@setf.de> writes:
 > > is anyone using docbook to encode documentation for clos-based systems?
 > The SBCL folks use docbook for their documentation, maybe one of them
 > can help.

CLISP documentation is also maintained in Docbook format.

Hash: SHA1

/ Tobias Reif <tobiasreif@pinkjuice.com> was heard to say:
| It should be allowed for  to the control key element to be empty:
| <keycombo action="simul">
|    <keycap function="control"/>
|    <keycap>h</keycap>
| </keycombo>
| So the change in the DTD would merely be to allow keycap to be empty,
| and add an attribute.

- From the RFE:

  What exactly?

That is the question. At first I thought you were proposing only
Control, Shift, Meta, and Alt. Though I suppose Command and Apple need
to be in there as well. I've forgotten what the meta keys were on a
3270 and a VT100/220. Not to mention the Tectronix displays that I
heard of but never used.

  * enter
  * alt (meta)
  * shift
  * ctrl
  * "arrow keys": up, right, down, left
  * escape
  * backspace
  * tab
  * space
  * delete
  * F1-12

  perhaps also

  * help
  * page up / down
  * command-key (Mac)

We need to really nail these down. What's missing from this list:

control, shift, meta, alt, command, apple, fn,
esc, f1..f24, printscreen, sysreq, pause, break, windows, menu,
backspace, home, pgup, pgdn, end, tab, backtab, capslock,
up, down, left, right, ins, del

And how does this proposal deal with double-shifted keys? What's the right
markup in this proposal for "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace" and "Alt-Shift-I"?

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | To the man who is afraid
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | everything rustles.--Sophocles
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Joachim Ziegler <ziegler@mpi-sb.mpg.de> was heard to say:
| Daniel Veillard wrote:
|>   Strange ... I don't know DocBook DTD, before saying it's a libxml2
|> bug
|> I would like a full example. But please check first with a recent version
|> 2.4.12 is really old (current is 2.5.4).
|>     http://xmlsoft.org/bugs.html
| Sorry, but this is hard to do for me. I would have to ask our central
| services group for updating the software and it would take weeks
| before they would react :-)
| The only thing I did was inserting Bob's proposed extension line as
| the first line in the local part of the DTD:
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
| <!DOCTYPE book
|      PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
|             "/KM/usr/ziegler/DocBook/DocBookXML4.2/docbookx.dtd"
| [
| <!-- allow PDF as attribute value of 'format' in element imagedata -->
| <!ENTITY % local.notation.class "| PDF">

That's not sufficient. All of the items in the notation class have to be notations.
Add this to your customization layer:

  <!NOTATION PDF SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/whatever/seems/appropriate/">

and then things should work better.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Reason's last step is the
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | recognition that there are an
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | infinite number of things which
                                   | are beyond it.--Pascal
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Henrik Motakef <henrik.motakef@web.de> was heard to say:
| why. Incidentally, I recently started to think about extending docbook
| to be a better fit for CL documentation, but a) I don't know if it's a

I think CL documentation fits squarely in DocBook's problem domain. If
DocBook's not rich enough to document CLOS (or CLisp, or maybe I
misunderstand something), please tell us how and why.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | 'Heartless Cynics,' the young men
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | shout, / Blind to the world of
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | Fact without; / 'Silly Dreamers,'
                                   | the old men grin / Deaf to the
                                   | world of Purpose within.--W. H.
                                   | Auden
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Ben Hratshorne <docbook@green.hartshorne.net> was heard to say:
| I started out using SGML, but havn't really done anything terribly fancy
| yet (except suppress <p> tags within <ul> tags in HTML output).  If
| there was any time to change, it'd be now.  
| Comments?

Switch to XML. If you avoid XML-only features, you get access to all
the XML tools this way and all the legacy SGML tools will still work
if you need them.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | There is nothing which human
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | courage will not undertake, and
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | little that human patience will
                                   | not endure.--Dr. Johnson
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Ben Hratshorne <docbook@green.hartshorne.net> was heard to say:
| On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 04:32:30PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
|> You can (I do) use DSSSL for XML documents. The choice of a markup
|> meta-language is partly independant of the choice of the stylesheet language.
| I was confused by this.  Though I understood the difference between
| SGML/XML and DSSSL/XSL (you're right it was a typo), I thought that if
| you use SGML, you must use DSSSL, and if you use XML, you must use XSL.

Nope. XML is a subset of SGML. So SGML tools will accept XML input
with a little work. (As long as you avoid using namespaces, or use
them with some control over the prefixes used.)

| I was unaware you could use DSSSL with XML.  Is the converse true - can
| you use XSL with SGML?

There's no technical reason why you couldn't. XSL is a tree-to-tree
transformation language and SGML documents are certainly trees. But I
don't know of any XSLT processor that has a general-purpose SGML
parser on the front end. I think xsltproc has some heuristics for
accepting (some?) DocBook SGML documents.

| I also could not find a good description of equivelancies between XML
| and SGML in terms of how to crunch documents, how to use entities, and
| so on.  I learned by looking at examples from the linux documentation
| project.  

XML is SGML without the features that were hard to implement or required
DTD processing to handle: tag omission, short ref, short tag, etc.

| For example, I know that the first line (where you cite the DTD to which
| you are conforming) is different for XML vs. SGML, but that is about the
| extent of the documentation I could find for the difference.  

Uhm, the <!DOCTYPE line is basically the same except that a SYSTEM
identifier is required for XML and optional for SGML.

| But...  at this point I have one (mostly) complete manual in SGML.  Any
| tips on what I might need to change to switch it over, besides the first
| line?  I think the only tricky part is that I have a couple of
| conditionally compiled sections:
| <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
| <!-- change INCLUDE below to IGNORE and none of the sections marked
|   %internal / versoin2 will be included when you compile the document.
| -->
| <!entity % internal "INCLUDE">
| <!entity % version2 "IGNORE">
| ]>
| <book>
|  ...
|  ...
| <![%version2; [
|   <section id="installtunnel">
|   ...
|   ...
| ]>

Yeah, the marked sections are going to be the hardest thing to
convert. You'll have to switch to profiling of some sort. See the
effectivity attributes and Jirka's excellent work on the profiling

Basically, you'll have to change your example to:

 <section id="installtunnel" condition="version2">

| I have also made a few changes to
| /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6.12/docbook-utils.dsl.  I didn't want
| to figure out how to create a proper customization layer so I just
| changed that one. 

Ack! You'll regret that when the next DSSSL release comes out. (Any
day now.)

| Will those have to be completely redone in XSL?  Though I conceptually
| understand the XML/XSL/DSSSL thing now, I'm still fuzzy on
| implementation details.

Yes, you'll have to redo them.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Resist the urge to hurry; it will
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | only slow you down--Bruce Eckel
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@mindspring.com> was heard to say:
|   i just noticed that the procedure element cannot be a child
| of a para, as can other lists.  any reason for this?  it seems
| like this would be useful if a procedure should be considered
| part of its enclosing paragraph.  just curious.

I don't recall consciously deciding to exclude it. File an RFE, I guess.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Debugging is 99% complete most of
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | the time--Fred Brooks, jr.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Stefan Seefeld <seefeld@sympatico.ca> was heard to say:
| http://synopsis.sf.net
| , but up to now I have not been able to represent
| the result adequately in docbook, so the tool only
| provides formatters for other formats such as html,
| texinfo, etc.

What do you find lacking. Digging through the framed documentation
provided at the SF site, I'm not sure what part you can't represent in

| I'v been looking into the available docbook markup
| elements, but either the right elements are missing
| or they are not really suitable for the purpose:
| I'd like to document types, variables, constants,
| functions, etc. But while some of them seem to be
| supported (there are elements for 'classsynopsis'
| and similar), others are not. Here is a list of elements
| I miss. I'd very much appreciate if others could either
| confirm that there is nothing semantically similar, or
| how I could document these things instead:
| * 'type' seems to name types, not describe them. What
|    about a 'typesynopsis' to actually define specific types ?

Can you show me an example of what you'd like to put in a type synopsis?

| * same for 'variable': what about a 'variablesynopsis' (or 'varsynopsis') ?
|    And, while we are at it: what is special about a 'field'
|    (docbook's name for 'member variables') ? If there was a
|    generic 'variable' element, couldn't 'fieldname' be considered
|    a specialized 'variable' (or then 'varname') ?

I suppose. The funcsynopsis stuff was one of DocBook's few forays into
modeling. After years of requests, we built a classsynopsis element to
model object oriented languages in a similar way. As a general rule, we've
tried to avoid modeling in DocBook and there are days when I wish we hadn't
done either funcsynopsis or classsynopsis :-)

| * again for 'constant': a 'constsynopsis' to contain constant definition

What sort of definition?

| * a 'modulesynopsis' to define 'contexts', 'scopes', 'packages' or
|    whatever this may be called in the various programming languages

There's already an RFE for package markup. And a longstanding action
item on me to investigate. The problem is that there many different,
conflicting notions about what a package is.

Examples of what you have in mind would be useful.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Truth lies within a little
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | uncertain compass, but error is
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | immense.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Elliotte Rusty Harold <elharo@metalab.unc.edu> was heard to say:
| At 2:02 PM -0500 2/12/03, Daniel Veillard wrote:
|>It's rather libxml2 now comply to the XInclude requirement of adding such
|>an xml:base at the inclusion point (when the included resource is in
|>a different path ...)
| I'm looking at this for my XIncluder right now, and the requirement
| seems a little stronger to me. They don't even have to be in a
| different path. Suppose for example,
| http://www.example.com/docs/parent.xml includes
| http://www.example.com/docs/child.xml
| These two documents have different base URIs even though they have the
| same "path".

No. The base URI in both cases is: http://www.example.com/docs/

The base URI is not the same as the "document URI".

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | All our foes are mortal.--Valéry
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Rune Enggaard Lausen <rune@enggaard-lausen.dk> was heard to say:
| I noticed that in Slides 3.1.0 based on Simplified DocBook, the
| speakernotes element is added to local.divcomponent.mix and
| local.component.mix, such that one can write speakernotes for each
| slide.
| In Slides Full, speakernotes are only available in the slides element.
| Is this an oversight, or is there a reason for this?

Oversight. File an RFE for me, please?

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | The perfect man has no method; or
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | rather the best of methods, which
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is the method of
                                   | no-method.--Shih-T'ao
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

[ Follow-ups to docbook-apps, please ]

/ Hanno Kortekamp <hkortekamp@gmx.net> was heard to say:
| How do I remove the last dot in chapter and section enumeration (2.4
| instead of 2.4.) in toc, list of tables and list of figures. For titels
| it works fine to change language file, but that doesn't work for toc.

That sounds like a bug. Uhm. Can you file a bug report?

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | A life, admirable at first sight,
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | may have cost so much in imposed
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | liabilities, chores and
                                   | self-abasement, that, brilliant
                                   | though it appears, it cannot be
                                   | considered other than a failure.
                                   | Another, which seems to have
                                   | misfired, is in reality a
                                   | triumphant success, because it has
                                   | cost so little.--Henry De
                                   | Montherlant
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


Hash: SHA1

/ Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.com> was heard to say:
| On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 12:54:59PM +0100, Hanno Kortekamp wrote:
|> How do I remove the last dot in chapter and section enumeration (2.4
|> instead of 2.4.) in toc, list of tables and list of figures. For titels
|> it works fine to change language file, but that doesn't work for toc.
| The stylesheet parameter 'autotoc.label.separator'
| supplies that dot.  Define that parameter as empty
| and the dot will go away.

Okay then. Just forget what I said a moment ago :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Life is pain...anyone who tells
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | you differently is selling
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | something.--Wesley (The Princess
                                   | Bride)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 07:41:30AM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> | I was unaware you could use DSSSL with XML.  Is the converse true - can
> | you use XSL with SGML?
> There's no technical reason why you couldn't. XSL is a tree-to-tree
> transformation language and SGML documents are certainly trees. But I
> don't know of any XSLT processor that has a general-purpose SGML
> parser on the front end. I think xsltproc has some heuristics for
> accepting (some?) DocBook SGML documents.

  Hum, no don't use that, it's really broken. It may work for some
really simple document but will break for anything non-trivial. You
need a real SGML parser to handle SGML. It's better to convert the
SGML documents to XML with an SGML tool and then process that XML.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard@redhat.com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

Hash: SHA1

/ james anderson <james.anderson@setf.de> was heard to say:
| i'm new to dockbook. would you be able to give me a pointer to something (even
| a specific part of one of the numerous docbook primers) which describes how
| best to  describe an oo-based api (if not specifically a clos-based
| implementation) in docbook. is there such an introduction? i've started to
| read through what i can find on the net, but i've not yet found anything which
| left me feeling other than that i'd be starting from scratch.

There's not much introductory documentation, but the place to start is probably
the description of classsynopsis:


                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Sarchasm: The gulf between the
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | author of sarcastic wit and the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | person who doesn't get it.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


mr walsh,

i'm new to dockbook. would you be able to give me a pointer to something (even
a specific part of one of the numerous docbook primers) which describes how
best to  describe an oo-based api (if not specifically a clos-based
implementation) in docbook. is there such an introduction? i've started to
read through what i can find on the net, but i've not yet found anything which
left me feeling other than that i'd be starting from scratch.


Norman Walsh wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> / Henrik Motakef <henrik.motakef@web.de> was heard to say:
> | why. Incidentally, I recently started to think about extending docbook
> | to be a better fit for CL documentation, but a) I don't know if it's a
> I think CL documentation fits squarely in DocBook's problem domain. If
> DocBook's not rich enough to document CLOS (or CLisp, or maybe I
> misunderstand something), please tell us how and why.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> - --
> Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | 'Heartless Cynics,' the young men
> http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | shout, / Blind to the world of
> Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | Fact without; / 'Silly Dreamers,'
>                                    | the old men grin / Deaf to the
>                                    | world of Purpose within.--W. H.
>                                    | Auden
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